The Matrix series will return after a long hiatus with its 4th movie. In my previous article, I talked about what the Matrix series is trying to convey. The Matrix is an action film with a deep philosophical background. Laurence Fishburne, who played the role of Morpheus in the original trilogy, will not be appearing in Matrix 4.
In the third film, a truce was reached with the machines, and Neo and Trinity died. In the new film, we see both characters alive, but neither of them remembers each other. From this, we can understand that "the machines know the human body so well that they may have saved Trinity and Neo from death, or they may have digitally transferred them to the Matrix environment." However, this possibility is dismissed by the line we hear at the end of the trailer.
Details That Caught Our Attention in the Matrix 4 Trailer
In the original trilogy, the color tones of the film were greenish, but in this new movie, we see brighter colors. We see Thomas Anderson (Neo) talking to a psychiatrist. In the Matrix universe, psychiatrists work with Matrix agents to redirect people approaching reality back into the simulation. In the first scene, Neo says, "I see dreams that aren't just dreams." From this, we understand that the Neo character has been put back into the Matrix and does not remember being Neo. However, he is having dreams about his past. Later, he meets Trinity somewhere, and they exchange greetings. Trinity asks, "Do we know each other?" It seems that Trinity has also been put back into the Matrix and has forgotten her past. We see Thomas Anderson taking blue pills. Apparently, these blue pills are given to him as part of his psychological treatment; in the first film, he took the red pill to exit the Matrix.
In the next scene, we see someone holding the book "Alice in Wonderland" in a cafe setting. This person is most likely the new Oracle and probably the child named Sati from the third film.
Then, similar to a scene from the first film, he is offered the red and blue pills with the phrase "It's time to fly." The pills are given by a character who looks like a younger version of Morpheus, but no information has been shared about this character's name. Here, Neo chooses the red pill, and a character with a rabbit tattoo appears. The name of this character is not specified, but it is played by Jessica Henwick, whom we have also seen in the Iron Fist series. She says to Neo, "If you want the truth, you'll have to follow me," referring to the "Follow the white rabbit" scene from the first film. We then see him stopping bullets again, directing a missile, and various action scenes. At the end, we see Neo talking to someone: "After all these years, to be going back to where it all started... Back to the Matrix," and the trailer ends.
I am eagerly awaiting the movie, but the trailer didn't excite me that much. There was a bit of a John Wick vibe in the trailer. The first three Matrix films had a deep philosophical aspect, and I have no idea whether they will maintain the same philosophy in the final film or stray from it. However, if they deviate from the philosophy of the first three films, it will cast a big shadow over the legendary status of the series, in my personal opinion.
If you haven't watched the trailer yet, you can watch it below.
Enjoy the trailer!
Türkçe: https://xsayfa.com/tr/matrix-4-nasil-bir-film-olacak-fragmandan-gorduklerimiz
Muhammed Niyazi Alpay - Cryptograph
Senior Software Developer & Senior Linux System Administrator
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